// Strawberry Cupcake

I'm nur aida . I'm a pretty but i'm not too arrogant I am different from the others. I did not choose, hater's is not my problem, it's a stupid person problems. please be yourself , to a people who a shallow minded can you go away. I'm not perfect in this world but I can only do what I can. I do not make friends with people who like to stab me from behind. That all about me. Thank you readers! ! ! (Y)

Hey ! budies thank for come ! follow my personal blog :)

► My SuperMan
► My Diary

thanks god! - aida
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 | 6:16 AM | 0 Sweet Cupcake
assalammualaikum :)
mula dengan bismillah ye kawan2 ;) 
okay now aku nak story bout him . hm kau gembira kan skrang ? thanks god sbb dah buka mata aku yg selama neh kau lebih pentingkan kawan2 kau. insyallah aku msih boleh terima kau lagi . kau jaga lah hati kawan2 kau tu ye kau jgn pikir aku kat sini , hidup mati aku bia aku jea tahu . selamat berpuasa ye wahai kekasih hati :) gembira lah kau sana bersama kawan2 kau . ignore kan aku ye ? jaga lah hati kawan2 kau ia lebih penting doe :) okay semua assalammualaikum :')

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